Sunday, 10 June 2018

Concept of Akaal Shakti in Sikhism and the wrong conclusions by non-Sikhs – part III

Concept of Akaal Shakti in Sikhism and the wrong conclusions by non-Sikhs – part III

We have covered the yajna in the second part. The famous and misleading part was that, telling you the truth. The meaning of that was totally forgotten by the people while writing the article. They must be ashamed of themselves if they somehow get to this article and read it from the beginning.
The woman in the picture is no Akaal Shakti
Jagbir, the author with little brain, says further that the Sikhs can’t get rid of Divine Mother from their Ardaas and Jap Ji Sahib. Actually, we don’t want to get rid of Akaal Shakti. We believe in Akaal Shakti, the problem is with the definition that you chose to represent it, by having a picture of a woman with the three deities below her. Doing that so makes you the dumbest person on the planet. I am preparing a list of dumb people who know nothing of Sikhi but write articles/books about it. I will make sure your name is also included on that.
It’s very puzzling to see these fanatics claim something and then totally say the opposite thing later. He says, ‘The 1430-page Guru Granth Sahib refers to God Almighty (Waheguru) as both Father and Mother i.e., God.’ My question is if Waheguru is both Father and Mother, and Waheguru doesn’t have any form, then why you want to have a form of His Shakti? Just because you are a male and you need a female to complete yourself, so even He needs that? What kind of message does it give to the followers of a religion! Stupid people never amaze be with their writings.
We have already discussed the stupid logic of Nirmala Devi who said why Sikhs have ‘Chandi’garh if they do not believe in the Devi. (How people can be so dumb!)
Next something like a spiritual experience of a person named Kash is mentioned that how he saw everyone from the Hindu gods to Abrahamic prophets to Sikh Gurus. The woman in the talk, Nirmala Devi, said that she was with Guru Nanak Dev ji and all the other Sikh Gurus, trying to be Akaal Shakti. And there are actual people who believe in this! Pathetic! The next mistake which was made was to describe the incidents of meeting these godly people one by one by Kash. He was not able to recognize some of them as meeting them the first time. But some Spirit of God told him who was who and where they were because they were invisible for him.
She compared Guru Nanak Dev ji with the prophets and Hindu gods as if he’s just a normal person who came on this earth with a knowledgeable book. Guru Nanak Dev ji was but Waheguru.

joiq rUip hir Awip gurU nwnku khwXau ]
qw qy AMgdu BXau qq isau qqu imlwXau ]
AMgid ikrpw Dwir Amru siqguru iQru kIAau ]
Amrdwis Amrqu CqRü gur rwmih dIAau ]
gur rwmdws drsnu pris kih mQurw AMimRq bXx ]
mUriq pMc pRmwx purKu guru Arjunu ipKhu nXx ]1] – AMg 1408

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ]
inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ] – AMg 1395

The article goes on saying a Sikh by the name of Baldave Singh came to the group and a nitname pothi was given to him. It’s translated into English, I guess, this’s what I understood from the writing. He was reading the 30th pauri of Jap Ji Sahib and stopped when he read Eka maayi. He was confused why the feminine form was mentioned in gurbani. He even thought that it’s changed over the period of time.
To convince the readers of the cult of Nirmala Devi, the author states, ‘But how was this possible if countless others had also seen the same pearls hundreds of millions of times before him, but yet failed to detect their feminine nature? Was he the only Sikh ever to do so? Was he implying that all other Sikhs were blind, including their priests, ragis, theologians, translators and proof-readers? That would be preposterous.’ Whenever you need to convince someone, bring a wrong story with your own conclusions and characters, and boom! You have the person on your side.
OMG! I usually don’t read the whole article first while debunking the claims of someone. I read and write simultaneously. I’ve come to that paragraph which says that Baldeve asked what is the meaning of Eka maayi in Jap Ji Sahib. Kash, whose name I got to know is Kashwinder Singh, a Sikh, said he would go to Guru Nanak Dev ji and ask him about it. He did his meditation, and through Dasam Dwaar he went to the heavens and there a woman was sitting, Nirmala Devi. Damn! They went to meet Guru Nanak Dev ji and asked him. Guru Nanak Dev ji said Eka maayi is Nirmala Devi.
I am laughing now. I can’t just put it into words, I don’t know the exact word that can describe the stupidity of people. Bloody lummox! People are abjuring for these fanatics! Seriously? These goat-headed people will always claim to be the Power or God Himself. You know the best thing that I like in Sikhism is that no Sikh Guru ever said that he was Waheguru, even though They were.
Let me describe two stories of these fake cults who mostly are in the western countries because there the people are usually seeking a refuge in the spiritual realm. So it’s easy to fool them. We have the example of this Nirmala Devi and Osho.
There’s a man who said that he’s Guru Arjan Dev ji. Sikhs knew the trick very well. They didn’t say anything, welcomed him in the place, fed him. Next day they said if you are Guru Arjan Dev ji, then you can sit on the searing tva. That was the day when he’s last seen. And this Baldave who’s talked about, he was born on a foreign land, no Punjabi, only English and French. So easy to fool those people. If these portentous people really have the knowledge of Sikhi, or gurbani in general, then come to the puratan sampardaas and talk to the Singhs there; you can’t do that, even if you have the audacity to talk to them, you will wet your pants then and there.
Second story is related to Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindrawale. Once doing the katha, he said that these naamdharis are saying that they are the gurus now. Guru Gobind Singh ji fired an arrow which passed through ten thousand people, can these naamdhari gurus do that? There was silence then.
Don’t be a fool, Sikhs! These blizzards come in the Sikh religion, but nothing has changed us so far. Listen to the katha, history, and give no mind to these fools.
Here is the joke on their website.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Aykaa Mayee of the Jap Jee Sahib — This Revealed Truth is Absolute. (With this Revelation all Sikhs reciting the Jap Jee Sahib and uttering the word Aykaa Mayee will be always reminded who this One Mother is, and where She resides within them.)
This simpleton mentioned that the Sikhs are so ignorant that they will agree that Govind/Gobind mentioned in gurbani is Guru Gobind Singh ji, not Krishna. Stupidity is reaching to new heights here. No Sikh ever says that Gobind/Govind word is for Guru Gobind Singh ji, or for Krishna. The problem with these lunatics is that they don’t know the meaning. If a name is given to a deity, they will consider him a god but will never examine the meaning of the word. In Sikhism, every word has a meaning, especially if given to Waheguru.
We have an article already written on the blog.

You can check the names there, we are regularly updating that article. But for now, the word into consideration is Gobind. Gobind is made of two words: Go + Bind. Go means earth, and bind means nurturer/protector. Waheguru protects the earth, so he’s called Gobind, not Vishnu/Krishna. If more reason is needed, then read gurbani.

bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau qRY gux rogI ivic haumY kwr kmweI – 735

ds Aauqwr rwjy hoie vrqy mhwdyv AauDUqw ]
iqn@ BI AMqu n pwieE qyrw lwie Qky ibBUqw – 747

bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau qRY gux Buly haumY mohu vDwieAw ] – 852

mihmw n jwnih byd ] bRhmy nhI jwnih Byd ]
Avqwr n jwnih AMqu ] prmysru pwrbRhm byAMqu ]1]
ApnI giq Awip jwnY ] suix suix Avr vKwnY ]1]
rhwau ] sMkrw nhI jwnih Byv ] Kojq hwry dyv ]
dyvIAw nhI jwnY mrm ] sB aUpir AlK pwrbRhm ]2] – 894

bRhmw ibsnu irKI munI sMkru ieMdu qpY ByKwrI ]
mwnY hukmu sohY dir swcY AwkI mrih APwrI ] – 992

mY n gnysih ipRQm mnwaˆU ] iksn ibsn kbhUM nh iDAwaUˆ ]
I don’t worship Ganesha first. I don’t meditate on the name of Krishna or Vishnu.
kwn sunY pihcwn n iqn so ] ilv lwgI morI pg ien so ]434]
I have heard about him but don’t recognize him. I am always meditating on the name of Waheguru.

pWie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU AWK qry nhI AwnÎo ]
rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYˆ mq eyk n mwnÎo ]
isMimRiq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khYˆ hm eyk n jwnÎo ]
sRI Aispwn ikRpw qumrI kir mY n khÎo sB qoih bKwnÎo ]1]

You can take your shop somewhere else because the Sikhs are not fools. If you come with nonsensical questions, you will be humiliated to such an extent that you will think twice before asking questions to the Sikhs. Above verses from gurbani are enough to tell why we don’t worship any deities. Although, we don’t even abuse them; no hatred, no fear. Simple.
I like these lines when the lady says, ‘But human beings have a great sense of how to twist and turn everything into something that's just the opposite.’ She just exposed herself.
Another stupid story is here:
"One day I was travelling from London and there was one Indian lady who came to see Me and she said," I was surprised to see your disciples. Their faces were shining with such light. I've never seen any disciples like that.”
I asked her, "Who are you?"
She said, "I'm married in Guru Nanak's family and all the people in his family are just the opposite to what Shri Guru Nanak was.”
So I said, "Because they worship Shri Ganesha.”
So she said that, "In our family nobody worships Shri Ganesh.”
I said, "It cannot be possible? How is it?" They believe in the Nirakar, the formless God of Chaitanya. I said, "But who is the Source of that Chaitanya? Why don't they find out who is the Source?"
So they said that Nanaka has only talked up to this point. He's not talked about the source.
I said, "Better find out. Because in this book maybe some things have been taken away.”
Read the highlighted lines again. When they can’t find it what they are talking about, it means the texts were altered. Like the story of Ajit Vadakayil. This is the stupidest way to convince someone. You can say anything and everything and then claim it to be removed from the sources. What the hell, man! Use some brains.
Pritam Singh Gill, whose name I never heard, but he wrote a book called ‘The Trinity of Sikhism’ (this is from their site, don’t know the truth though) says, ‘Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva were worshipped as gods; they were known as Trinity.’ No Mr. Pritam, you are not educated enough to write books. First, you should go to a good school where they teach basics of Sikhi, and then you should read history and gurbani, later when you know a thing or two, then write about Sikhs.
As we are talking about Eka maayi, even I want to tell you my experience about it. I was in college those days. I, with my friends, went to explore the beliefs of others in an exhibition. There a young lady took us to a room where the pictures were representing the cycles of life. My friends and I were amazed by looking at them. Then came a picture where the verses from Guru Granth Sahib ji were taken.

eykw mweI jugiq ivAweI iqin cyly prvwxu ]

Of course, I was the only Sikh among my friends, so she looked at me and said, ‘It’s also mentioned in Jap Ji Sahib that “Eka Maayi jagat mein aayi.”’ I was suppressing my laugh. She didn’t even have the understanding of the words, and she was translating to me. I wish I could have told her that she were wrong, but I didn’t.
The same is true with this Nirmala Devi’s cult. She doesn’t know the meaning of jugat (jugiq) and viyaayi (ivAweI). She just saw maayi written there, so jumped to the conclusion, the Divine Mother, and completely forgot the other words written there. From the article, it’s clear that Nirmala Devi and her followers are completely illiterate when it comes to the Punjabi language. The author mentioned that Kash was not aware of Punjabi. But this Nirmala Devi was said to talk with Guru Nanak Dev ji in a language that Kash was not aware of, thinking it’s Punjabi. But if it were true, she wouldn’t have blatantly ignored the words to convince the fools that she’s right. I will definitely write the translation of the pauri in English in the article.
One incident that puzzles me a lot is that this woman, who was already present in heaven somehow (as she was the Akaal Shakti 😐), and Kash went ‘somewhere’ to meet Guru Nanak Dev ji. If you have read the lives of gursikhs and listened to the katha, you must know that there comes a stage when Guru Sahib gives darshan to the gursikhs. If this Kash was supposed to be awakened his ‘kundli’ and used Dasam Dwaar, then he was in such a stage that he could have seen Guru Nanak Dev ji then and there, there wouldn’t have been any need to travel though clouds and all. Well, IT’S JUST FAKE!
The biggest mistake that this Nirmala Devi and her followers made is that they separated Waheguru from His Power (Akaal Shakti.) YOU CAN’T SEPARATE WAHEGURU FROM HIS POWER. It’s already been discussed in the second part of this series: think of a man, can you separate him from his power? Can you separate sunlight from the sun? You can’t! You can’t say you have two entities now. No. Waheguru is Akaal Shakti. Akaal Shakti is Waheguru. Waheguru doesn’t have any form, nor does Akaal Shakti.
There should be no room of doubt that one word can have multiple meanings and according to the context the meaning is taken. The very example that I want to discuss before moving on to arrogance of this cult is of Ram.

slok mÚ 3 ] rwmu rwmu krqw sBu jgu iPrY rwmu n pwieAw jwie ] – AMg 555

sloku mÚ 1 ] shMsr dwn dy ieMdRü roAwieAw ] prs rwmu rovY Gir AwieAw ]
AjY su rovY BIiKAw Kwie ] AYsI drgh imlY sjwie ]
rovY rwmu inkwlw BieAw ] sIqw lKmxu ivCuiV gieAw ] – AMg 953

The above highlighted word is Ram. One Ram is for Waheguru, one for Ram Chandar ji, and one for Pars Ram ji. If you will replace the meaning with the other Ram in any of the verses above, the meaning will be completely wrong. So the context is very much important while trying to understand the meaning. We can have another word – Har.

sÍYXw ] hir so muK hY hirqI duK hY AilkY hir hwr pRBw hrnI hY ]
Real meaning: Sumbh tells his brother, Nisumbh, about her that her face glows like Moon, by seeing it laziness goes away, and her hair is more beautiful than the snake around the neck of Shiv ji.
Wrong meaning: Sumbh tells his brother, Nisumbh, about her that her face glows like Vishnu, Vishnu takes away laziness, and Vishnu’s hair is more beautiful than Vishnu around the neck of Vishnu.

locn hY hir sy srsy hir sy Bruty hir sI brunI hY ]
Real meaning: Her eyes are like flowers, and eyebrows are curly like a bow, and sight is like an arrow.
Wrong meaning: Her eyes are like Vishnu, eyebrows are curly like Vishnu, and sight is like Vishnu.

kyhir so krhw clbo hir pY hir kI hirnI qrnI hY ]
Real meaning: Her waist is like a lion, her gait like an elephant’s.
Wrong meaning: Her waist is like Vishnu, her gait like an elephant’s.

hY kr mY hir pY hir soˆ hir rUp kIey hir kI DrnI hY ]
Real meaning: She has a sword in her hand, has a lion to ride, she is glowing like the sun, she is wife of Shiv ji.
Wrong meaning: She has Vishnu in her hand, has Vishnu to ride, she is glowing like Vishnu, she is wife of Vishnu.

This is the perfect example to show the people that if a non-Sikh will do the translation, it will be far from the reality if he knows only one meaning of the word. Many of the illiterates will say ‘Har’ means Vishnu. Read the ‘wrong meaning’ above if Har should be translated into Vishnu. Bhai Kahn Singh ji Nabha wrote more than 40 meanings of Har which came in gurbani.

The reason behind mentioning this is the next part that we are going to discuss. It’s related to the translation of Santokh Singh. And the author says he assumed many things and didn’t give a correct translation. Most of the times when an academic scholar gives a translation it’s only of the words, not the deep meanings that helps you connect to Waheguru. That’s where the puratan sampardaas come into picture to fill those spaces left by the scholars. Like Damdami Taksaal, started by Guru Gobind Singh ji, and it’s still working and will always work. Its main responsibilities are to spread the message of Guru Sahibaans, to give the correct translation of gurbani, educate the Sikhs to do katha, and talk about history, etc.
Although those scholars are also welcome if the translation is not against gurmat. But if we are going through the writings of this cult, they are just a sacrilege of gurbani and distorting the meaning for their own benefits to spread the words to attract fools that their ‘leader’ was right.
The writer says, ‘But Maa-ee and mayaa are two distinct words with different meanings. There is no room for error as the Sikh Holy Scripture clearly says Aykaa Maa-ee (One Mother) and leaves no room for any ambiguity.’ Let’s first see if the meaning of maayee (Maa-ee) can only be Mother or Akaal Shakti, or not.
Pauri which is in the talk is 30th, just thought of telling those who are not much aware of Jap Ji Sahib but reading this article.

guru eIsru guru gorKu brmw guru pwrbqI mweI ] – AMg 2
hau rih n skw ibnu dyKy myrI mweI ] – AMg 94
aun qy rwKY bwpu n mweI ] aun qy rwKY mIqu n BweI ] – AMg 182
jo jo icqvY dwsu hir mweI ] – AMg 202

Above are the verses from Guru Granth Sahib ji where the word ‘maayi’ is used in different meanings. According to the writer, the meaning of maayi can be only Akaal Shakti – the whole article is to prove that in the Sikh scripts goddesses are worshipped. The writer completely ignored the 5th pauri of Jap Ji Sahib, where the word maayi is used to represent Lakshmi and Saraswati.
Following are the meanings of maayi from Mahan Kosh.

After showing the vague knowledge of gurbani, the writer asked some ‘tough’ questions that he would have got answered if he’s read gurbani or listened to the katha, or even asked a Singh from Damdami Taksaal. Anyways, let’s answer the questions.

Question: Where between the 29th and 31st stanzas is it ever mentioned that"Guru Saaheeb tells us that God creates Maayaa"?
Answer: Mr. writer, it’s written in the line where your beloved Mata Ji forgot to mention because she was on cloud nine to tell you a fake story. I already mentioned that she completely ignored the words ‘jugat’ and ‘veaayi.’ Had she not forgotten those words, she would have understood how it’s. So now listen up, fools. Maaya is jarh(jVH) (means maaya can’t do anything if there’s no chetna, or Waheguru’s role in it.) When Waheguru (Eka) meets (jugat) with maaya (maayi) and His chetna reflected on maaya, then maaya veaayi (conceived), means gave birth to the deities. If we read Dasam Guru Granth Sahib ji, Guru Gobind Singh ji mentioned the same.

cOpeI ] pRQm kwl sB jg ko qwqw ] qw qy BXo qyj ibKXwqw ]
soeI BvwnI nwmu khweI ] ijn isgrI Xh isRsit aupweI ]29]
cOpeI ] pRQmY EAMkwr iqn khw ] so Dun pUr jgq mo rhw ]
qw qy jgq BXo ibsQwrw ] purK pRikRiq jb duhU` ibcwrw ]30]

pauVI ] KMfw ipRQmY swj kY ijn sB sYswru aupwieAw ]
bRhmw ibsn mhys swij kudrqI dw Kylu rcwie bxwieAw ]

Question: Where is it ever written that Rajas-Sattva-Tamas mean Activity-Rhythm-Passivity?
Answer: I heard from many Sikhs that Guru Granth Sahib ji is the translation of Jap Ji Sahib in a broader way. And it’s so true if you do Sehaj Path every day. Highlighted is the answer to your question. 😊

bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRYgux isir DMDY lwieAw ]
mwieAw kw mUlu rcwieEnu qurIAw suKu pwieAw ]2] – AMg 509

Question: Where does it state, and who told him, that"These three qualities symbolize Barmaa-Vishnoo-Shiva"?
Answer: Read the verses mentioned above.

When everything else is failed, then comes their feminine card, seems like the writer is a woman, not sure though. Bhai Santokh Singh was called a patriarchal person who happened to refer to Waheguru as a He, but not a She as maaya is talked about here. If you know why Jap Ji Sahib was written and where, it’s very easy to understand gurbani, then there will be no questions circling around like this. We are translating the tika, not gurbani, in English. The first part is available to read.

Let’s translate the 30th pauri without any further delay because this article is getting very long.
While talking with the Siddhs, they asked Guru Nanak Dev ji, ‘According to our beliefs, there’s one Parbhati, who is a mother; and one Shivji, who’s a father. When Shivji told the tale of Amar Katha to Parbati, she slept but a fish heard it; Shivji had said a Siddh will be born. From that fish, a Siddh was born whose name was Mashandar. We believe that the world is because of them. Tell us your opinion.

eykw mweI jugiq ivAweI; iqin cyly prvwxu ]
When Waheguru connected with maaya and His chetna reflected on maaya, then the maaya was conceived (a term to tell how the world was born), and from that three deities/gunns were born.

Ehu vyKY Enw ndir n AwvY; bhuqw eyhu ivfwxu ]
Waheguru is seeing those deities, but they can’t see Waheguru. How wonderful is this!
Maaya is seeing the three gunns, but they can’t see maaya. How wonderful is this!

Awdysu; iqsY Awdysu ]
I bowed to Him, I bowed to Him.

Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq; jugu jugu eyko vysu ]30]
He is from the Beginning of time, without any numbering, without any beginning, without death. Through different Ages of Time, He’s the same.

There are other meanings too of this pauri, but I do not want to go in much detail, will cover it while translating the tika of Jap Ji Sahib.
After reading the article further, I got to know the author is nothing but a lunatic Hindu (not referring to all the people of the faith, but this one only) who believes in the goddesses and thinks that the Sikh religion teaches the same. She must be one of those fanatics who translate Ram word to Ram Chandar ji, which most certainly she is as she mentioned about Gobind and the meaning.
I literally was thinking it’s going to be something different than that, because I am already writing about a lunatic Hindu with the name of Ajit Vadakayil and encountering another one is really a headache. I don’t know when these senseless creatures will understand that Sikhism is not Hinduism. If you’ve the knowledge of Hinduism, doesn’t mean you know Sikhism. If the same terms are there in different religions, they can mean different meanings.
She further stated that the author that wrote the English translation that we talked about earlier in the article was nothing more than a Khalistani sympathiser who doesn’t want to have any Hindu resemblance to the Sikh scriptures. Damn, you goat. If you have read whole Guru Granth Sahib ji and Dasam Guru Granth Sahib ji and the history, you would have been humiliated to such a level that you would be ashamed of your life and the days spent in the cult of this woman who has zero knowledge of Sikhi.
This article of hers goes back to 2009. I wish I had started writing earlier to clear the doubts of the people on the Internet. But I am happy that I am writing it now to put these lunatics where they belong.
Next she translate the following shabad:

mwrU mhlw 4 ] isD smwiD jipE ilv lweI swiDk muin jipAw ]
jqI sqI sMqoKI iDAwieAw muiK ieMdRwidk rivAw ]
srix pry jipE qy Bwey gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1]
myry mn nwmu jpq qirAw ] DMnw jtu bwlmIku btvwrw gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1]
rhwau ] suir nr gx gMDrby jipE iriK bpurY hir gwieAw ]
sMkir bRhmY dyvI jipE muiK hir hir nwmu jipAw ]
hir hir nwim ijnw mnu BInw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]2]
koit koit qyqIs iDAwieE hir jpiqAw AMqu n pwieAw ]
byd purwx isimRiq hir jipAw muiK pMifq hir gwieAw ]
nwmu rswlu ijnw min visAw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]3]
Anq qrMgI nwmu ijn jipAw mY gxq n kir sikAw ]
goibdu ik®pw kry Qwie pwey jo hir pRB min BwieAw ]
guir Dwir ik®pw hir nwmu idRVwieE jn nwnk nwmu lieAw ]4]2]
Angels, men, heavenly heralds and celestial singers, meditate on Her; Even the humble Rishis sing of the Divine Mother.
Shiva, Brahma and the goddess Lakhshmi, meditate, and chant with their mouths the Name of the Divine Mother.
Those minds drenched with the Name of the Divine Mother, cross over.
Millions and millions, thirty-three million gods, meditate on Her; Countless are those who meditate on the Divine Mother.
The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees meditate on Her; The Pandits, the religious scholars, sing Her Praises as well.

Whenever it’s talked about Waheguru, she represented it with a ‘She’ than a ‘He.’ Although I really don’t have a problem with that, but when she says that it’s a woman, I have a problem. I can’t understand how Akaal Shakti will be a woman and Waheguru is formless! It doesn’t add up.
You don’t need to be genius to know it. You just need to use your brain and stop listening to these cults. The word Gobind is also there in the shabad. In one of the paragraphs, she said Gobind is for Krishan, if that were true, how it could be Divine Mother? That doesn’t add up. I know feminism is at its core to prove that men have the privileges and they don’t. They are ready to talk some stupid arguments just to prove their points. I am not against feminism but baseless arguments like this cult’s members who are trying to have Waheguru half-female and half-male.
At last when the logic left her and the brain filled with cow-dung, she writes another argument to prove her point. This time it’s Jaap Sahib, from Dasam Guru Granth Sahib ji, written by Guru Gobind Singh ji. She ignored all the verses in the bani, although the full translation was there on their website, but focused on the word ‘jag maata.’
Jaap Sahib starts from the following chandd:

ckR ichn Aru brn jwiq Aru pwiq nihn ijh ]
rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK koaU kih n skiq ikh ]
Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws Aimqoij kih`jY ]
koit ieMdR ieMdRwix swih swhwix gixjY ]
iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur nyq nyq bn iqRx khq ]
qÍ srb nwm kQY kvn krm nwm brnq sumiq ]1]

The first chandd clearly states that Waheguru doesn’t have any body, colour, religion, cast, and lines on palm. It’s even said that Waheguru is Parkash Saroop. And all the names that are going to be said are the Karam Naam, meaning the names given to Waheguru for His doings. Like He shows mercy, He’s called Merciful; He kills everyone, so called Kaal; He doesn’t have any specific name, so called Anaame.
Likewise, He nurtures the world with His Shakti, so called Jag Maata. There is another verse that we can take for an example from Bachitar Natak.

srb kwl hY ipqw hmwrw ] dyib kwlkw mwq hmwrw ]

Many so-called Sikhs who are against Dasam Bani will discuss this verse from Bachitar Natak that a goddess is called the Mother. Same is true with this cult who has no knowledge of gurbani. I really don’t want to say Waheguru is a He or She, but if you check the highlighted words above, they do not imply that they’re representing a woman/goddess. Guru Gobind Singh ji called Waheguru is Father and His Shakti his mother but didn’t say that it’s a woman and Waheguru is a man. No, it’s against the Sikh religion. Waheguru doesn’t have any form.

qum mwq ipqw hm bwirk qyry ] qumrI ik®pw mih sUK Gnyry ] – AMg 268
qUM myrw ipqw qUMhY myrw mwqw ] qUM myrw bMDpu qUM myrw BRwqw ] – AMg 103

Even in the above verses, Waheguru is called both Mother and Father. It’s not said to have any form or body. Same is what’s mentioned in Bachitar Natak and Jaap Sahib. Waheguru is formless. The first step to adopt Sikhism is to know that Waheguru doesn’t have any form, and the cult is deciding it’s not one but two forms. 😐
Here is advise to the cult members of Nirmala Devi, you want to believe that Shakti is a female, you can. No-one will utter a word against it. Because it’s your faith, you can do anything. You want to make a pig your god, you can. No issues. Why anyone will have an issue with what you believe in? The complications come when you push your theory on other religions to prove your point. Is it because your Nirmala Devi can’t have her own theory validated without taking the help from other religious scriptures? I think she can’t, otherwise she would have not said such gibberish things.
Secondly, if you are going to talk about Sikhism or the Sikh scriptures, first read gurbani and clear your doubts. I think this three-article series will be enough for you guys to shut your mouth from where the words like ‘woman’ and ‘man’ come to refer to Waheguru. Create your own god (I know it doesn’t make sense, but just for the argument), talk about your own beliefs given to you by your Nirmala Devi, but do not, I say DO NOT bring Sikhism in your cult to support your theories.
At last, I have said it earlier too, but let me say it again, it’s just a style of writing if God can be referred to a He or a She, but God is none of them, so you can write whatever you want. But never try to prove, if you are talking about Sikhism, that Waheguru is a half-woman and half-man. I rest my article here and conclude the following.

1.      This cult has no understanding of Sikhism.
2.      Waheguru is neither a female nor male.
3.      ‘Eka Maayi’ pauri can’t be understood if ‘jugat’ and ‘veayi’ words are ignored.
4.      Guru Gobind Singh ji didn’t worship any goddess.
5.      The combined IQ of all the members of the cult is less than a three-year-old.
6.      Guru Nanak Dev ji was Waheguru Himself.
7.      Nirmala Devi is no Akaal Shakti.
8.      Waheguru and Akaal Shakti are not two but one form.
9.      Bhagauti is no goddess.
10.   At last, your cult needs a leader with a brain.

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